As a popular telecommunications company like to tell us “it’s good to talk”
With that in mind, Lancaster Arts Partners are starting up a new series of quarterly network gatherings for the arts communities in Lancaster District.
So, please join us for the first of these network gatherings on Feb 28th in The Storey, Lancaster from 4.30pm – 6.30pm
The gathering is an opportunity to share key cultural calendar events and programme for the year ahead and to meet up, talk, make new connections and collaborations, and discuss joint initiatives and promotions.
This is an open event, we want as many people from across all the varied organisations in the area to get together for a fun, friendly and informative meet up. Future meetings are planned for June and November 2018.
We have recently opened up the membership of LAP amongst arts and cultural organisations in the District and have already welcomed three new partners to the table: Lancaster Jazz Festival, Halton Mill and Deco Publique. If you are interested in joining too, details will be available on the night or head to this page on our website now for further information.
The meeting is free but we do ask that you register in advance on Eventbrite: