You are invited to join us for the 4th Annual Gathering of the Arts communities in Lancaster District on Wednesday November 8th 6.30pm at The Hothouse in Morecambe.
Every year since 2013 the arts communities in our district, from individual practitioners to large organisations, have gathered for an informal review of the 20:20 Vision document – the framework document for arts activity in the area. It’s a great opportunity to get involved, meet other artists, network with representatives from larger organisations and stakeholder bodies and review how we are matching up to the ambitions set down. The evening will also include a unique performance from Lancaster-based Cellist Maja Bugge.
For full details and to reserve your free place, please RSVP on our eventbrite page.
Arts Framework Data Collection:
Since 2013 we have been asking everyone involved in the arts in our district to provide us with some statistical information that we use to measure how we are progressing against the aims and objectives of the Arts Framework 20:20 Vision Document. This year we have massively simplified the information we ask you to provide.
We want to hear from as many of you as possible to get a full picture of the arts year in our district. So whether you’re a big organization employing dozens of people or a small one-man band operation we value all your input. If a question doesn’t fit you/your organisation, skip and go to the next… easy!
You can complete the survey via the link below.
If you have any issues completing it please email our admin assistant Johnny at johnnybean@gmail.com for help.