The Gregson Community & Arts Centre
The Gregson Community & Arts Centre is currently looking for new Trustees and a new Chair.
The Gregson is Lancaster’s oldest community and cultural hub – it is one of the oldest community centre’s in the UK. In recent years, the centre has been on an exciting journey and is now community-owned and community-led.
The charity has stabilised since being on the brink of collapse during the pandemic and our reach continues to grow. Amazingly, we now have over 60 regular creative and community groups using our spaces and an exciting community programme.
Having just developed a three-year strategic plan, we are looking for a new Chair and Trustees as we enter our next chapter. Our vision over the next three years is to transform this historic building and we are looking for people who share our mission ‘for people to be in the driving seat of the community events and culture.’
A recruitment pack can be found here: https://gregson.co.uk/volunteering/
New Trustees and new Chair wanted at The Gregson